Other stuff I like, things I need, and free beer!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

These must be the Droids Walt Disney is looking for!

I just saw over the wire that Disney is buying Lucasfilms for over 4 billion dollars.
And they plan on making Episode 7, 8, and 9 of Star Wars! With Episode 7 slated to hit in 2015.  And then a new movie every 2 to 3 years after that.

I'm scared, excited, torn and flabbergasted all at the same time.  All I can say is please don't let the sequels suck like the prequels.

I'm going to hold out optimism for Episode 7.  And I'm curious who they will get to replace the iconic actors from the original 3 movies.

Any thoughts out there on the news?

TTM success BIll Wegman (Former Brewers Pitcher)

I'm slowly working on my Brewers TTM project.  I had seen a few successes for Bill Wegman on the SCF and thought why not.  I got a little greedy by sending 4 cards, but I had seen people sending him tons and he signs just about everything and adding his own religious card.  Well he only sent me back the four I sent and a 2 page (front to back) religious paper.

And while I have already have sigs in 3 of the 4 cards sets I sent, the 1990 Topps is a first!

TTM Stats
Date Sent: 9/5/12
Date Recieved: 10/27/12

Address used:
Bill Wegman
20521 Heather Court
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Thanks Bill

Monday, October 29, 2012

2nd Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web we have a winner.

Well that was...quick.  I was out of town for the end of the playoffs and the first three games of the World Series. But I did get to watch last nights game as I flipped back and forth between Sunday Night Football.  I really thought the Tigers would win at least one, especially after the beating they put on the Yankees. Wow the Giants looked pretty good.  We didn't have that many people enter this year. I blame the extra Wild Card team and that so many races were so close up to the end of the regular season. But we did get 12 entries.  All I asked was to pick the winning team. Of course there were some tie breakers in there as well, but it didn't matter, because out of the 12 only one person picked the right team. A man who stuck to his guns and picked his team to win it all.

Congrats to Adam over at APRSmith's Sportscard Obsession. He correctly chose the Giants to win it all.

Dawgbones - Nats over the Birds in 5, with 8 homers.

The Brooklyn Met - Reds over As in 7, 12 with homers.

DHoff - Tigers over Reds in 7, with 11 homers.

Milwaukee Southpaw - Reds over Tigers in 6, 16 homers

arpsmith - Giants over Yankees in 6, 7 homers

The Dimwit - Nats over Yanks in 6; 8 HR

High Five Man - A's over the Reds in 7; 21 homers

Dan - Yankees over Cardinals in 6; 11 HR

AdamE - O's over Cards in 7, 7 HR

BA Benny - Yankees over Reds in 6 with 12 HR's

Shane - Nats over Tigers, in 6, 13HR's 

Wilson - Yankees over Nationals in 7, 10 HR

Adam wins the stack of Golden Giveaway codes. I think I ended up with 12 or 13 of them.  

Now onto the door prize.  What is it you ask?  Well to be honest I was going to dig something out, but got lazy and then left the state, so the door prize will be an assortment of 1991 Score baseball!  Just kidding, the winner gets a small stack of there favorite team or help with their need list if I can.

So I randomized the list 3 times and here is your winner.
Tony the Milwaukee Southpaw over at the Common (Card) Man  As luck would have it we like the same team and I have tons of extras, but you'll be getting an email from me soon to see if there are any set needs I can help out with too and maybe a new Griffey to add to your supercollection.

Thanks to all twelve of my contestants.  I know it was short notice on the contest and there were at least of few others that saw the post too late, but I will be holding my 3rd Almost the easiest Super Bowl contest on the web in January. 

cb out.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

TTM Success Richard "the King" Petty

I had been seeing lots of success for Richard Petty over at the Sports Card Forum and had a couple of cards I thought would look good signed.  So I sent off a quick letter and his 2012 Allen and Ginter and Goodwin Champions cards and got them pack pretty quick.  I left town for 10 days to visit family down in Georgia so I'm not sure when these actually made it back to me but the envelope is postmarked on the 23 of October.

The only thing that could have been better is if he signed them with a sharpe, but I'm not going to complain about getting an auto from a racing legend.

TTM Stats

Date Sent. 10/17/12
Date Recieved : about Oct 25th

Address used

Richard Petty
c/o Petty Enterprises
311 Branson Mill Rd
Randleman, NC 27317

Thanks Richard!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Moster Fighters - The Swamp Creature 9461

One of the best things about the different themes in the Legoverse is that there are different price points throughout.  One of the newer exclusive themes is Monster Hunters. And the Swamp Creature is the cheapest of the theme. And for less than 7 bucks you get 2 mini figures and a couple neat accessories.  The theme isn't all that original, but it does bring in some cool mini's.
First we have the monster hunters.  In this set it's Frank Rock.  Frank come with his twin guns of fury and two faces to choose from.

I love the detail on the face with the scrapes.


Frank also comes with his Monster Busting swamp boat.
But of course the selling point for this set is the Swamp Creature minifigure.

He also comes with this sea scape thingy.

And again it's the little details I love the best on these mini's
There's really no reason for these scales on the back of the head, they're covered with the helmet, but it's nice to see the detail.

And looking around the legosphere I see that a certain huge 80's icon will be coming to Lego's next year. Heroes in a half-shell.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Acting...Genius....Thank you....Series 8 LegoMinifigure

If you get the reference in the post title. Well I salute you sir or ma'am and boy you watch too much TV.

Anywho had to pick up some stuff at the store and when I do I can't pass up picking up a minifigure blind back if they have any.  And as luck would have it, I snagged one I didn't have.

The actor, playing Hamlet I assume. To be or not to be....
His other face.
Of course you can always do the ghost actor as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Be back in a few

Heading down to Georgia to visit the inlaws.  I'll be back in about 10 days for those who care.  I have a few posts worked up and scheduled so it won't be total dead air for that time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A trade with Nachos Grande - Some Series 5 Minifigure love

I could have sworn I'd traded with Chris over at Nachos Grande before.  But after looking through my trade log, yep I keep a log of all my trades, with names, address, blog names, team and player preferences, ect, I couldn't find him.  But he loves minifigures as much as I do and I figured since I had a few extra from opening blind packs I'd see if he had any extra. Well after a few emails I had a new minifigure coming my way and stack of 2012 A&G to help fill my set.

Chris had an extra Dinoguy from Series 5 and I had only managed to find one Series 5 since I started putting together my mini collection and that was the Royal Guard.

Thanks Chris!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Big Thank you to you all.

This is thank you post.

3 years ago Oct 13 I sat down for the first time and started this blog.

First off let me say that I am not a writer.  I never claimed to be.  I'm a biologist by trade and feel extremely lucky to have been working in the field I went to college for, for most of my adult life.  I feel blessed I work in an organization of like minded people that enjoy what they do and like coming to work everyday.  My job isn't glamorous, but it's fun, challenging, gets me outside during the best months in Alaska, and pays me a living wage.  I'm also blessed to able to live and work in one of the most beautiful places on earth and that I found a woman up here, against all odds, that can put up with me, most of the time.

And while I don't consider myself a writer, I write.  And I want to thank the people who get me hundreds of hits a day   Honestly when I started this blog way back in October of 2009 I'm not sure what I was trying to do.  Take a look back at a few of those early posts. Yikes.  But slowly I found my voice and over those last 3 years or so I like to think I've gotten better at this. At least a little.  I still rush posts out with out rereading them and cringe at my syntax and then go back and fix stuff I should have done in the first place.  Over that time I started some new blogs, Lord knows why.  But a few were player collection focused, some team focused, one I made just to rant on and then got tired of ranting.  They probably don't all need to exist, but I can't bring myself to delete them.

Over the course of my blogging career I've seen blogs come and go.  And I have no plans on quitting anytime soon.  Even if I decided to quite actively collecting cards, or minifigures or anything else I think I would still want to write.  Over the last 3 years I've composed over 600 posts and garnered over 100 people that felt it worthy enough to follow the blog and fellow card bloggers that added me to their reading list and blog rolls.  Thank you to you all.  And if you have a blog I might like and don't see it on my blog roll let me know.  I'm finding new stuff all the time and adding it and I don't mind adding one more.

So again thanks to everyone who reads and those who read and comment.  We all like comments here at crack headquarters.

cb out

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2nd Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web Update...Updated

Edit 10/13/12- So I wrote this while the Cards/Nats game was still going on and the Nats were winning.  It is now updated.

Wow those were some great divisional series games. All but one went 5. And the Giants comeback, well...pretty amazing. Well out of the 12 that entered we lost a few, actually we lost alot.

Dawgbones - Nats over the Birds in 5, with 8 homers.

The Brooklyn Met - Reds over As in 7, 12 with homers.

DHoff - Tigers over Reds in 7, with 11 homers.

Milwaukee Southpaw - Reds over Tigers in 6, 16 homers

arpsmith - Giants over Yankees in 6, 7 homers

The Dimwit - Nats over Yanks in 6; 8 HR

High Five Man - A's over the Reds in 7; 21 homers

Dan - Yankees over Cardinals in 6; 11 HR

AdamE - O's over Cards in 7, 7 HR

BA Benny - Yankees over Reds in 6 with 12 HR's

Shane - Nats over Tigers, in 6, 13HR's 

Wilson - Yankees over Nationals in 7, 10 HR

If your in Red your out, sorry.

So those moving on to the League championship round.

DHoff - Tigers over Reds in 7, with 11 homers.

arpsmith - Giants over Yankees in 6, 7 homers

Dan - Yankees over Cardinals in 6; 11 HR

BA Benny - Yankees over Reds in 6 with 12 HR's

Wilson - Yankees over Nationals in 7, 10 HR

Good luck everyone.

Grand Prize Golden Giveaway Code count: 11

Friday, October 12, 2012

Marvel Super Heroes Lego Mini Figures: Wolverine's Chopper Showdown

I couldn't resist picking up my first lego set.  Lego scored the Marvel license this year there were a couple of minifigures I really wanted to add to the collection, the first being Wolverine.  I saw the Wolverine's Chopper Showdown laying on a mostly bare shelf in a Target and figured what the hell.  It was the last one and there were no blind packs to be had so I bit the bullet and bought my first set.  

As you can see you get three mini figures.
Magneto has two faces.  Angry and ...
I do love the detailing of the higher end minifigures with decaling on the back.
Next up we have the bad ass Deadpool

He comes with a cool sword holder.

And again has detailing on the back.

And of course there's Logan.
Wolverine also has two faces you can choose from.  Angry and...
I love the back of Wolverine. You can see his mask just waiting to be pulled over his head.

I haven't found time to put the motorcycle or helicopter together yet. But when and if I do I'll post it.