Other stuff I like, things I need, and free beer!

Monday, September 28, 2015

5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web - Mark Your calendars!!

Sure I haven't been posting much lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not still around. Collecting, reading, commenting.  And that sure doesn't mean that I'm going to miss the opportunity to hold the 5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web.

So regular season play is done on October 4th, the Wildcard games will be played on the 6th and 7th and the Divisional Series will start on the 8th and 9th.  So that means like usual we don't have a lot of time for entries.  Right now the National League picture is pretty much set, but we still have some play in the American League.  That being said if the playoff picture solidifies before the end of the season I'll open the contest up early, and if it goes down to the wire again, which is always fun, I'll leave the contest entry period open till after the Wildcard games.

The contest will be just like years past.  All I want you to do is tell me who's going to win the World Series.  And like always we need  a few tie breakers so I also want you to tell me who the opponent was, total games in the series and total number of home runs hit, by both teams.

Not too hard right?

I know your saying "CB that's great and super easy, but what the heck can I win?"

I'm still working on it.  But rest assured that I'll dig though my bag of goodies and come up with some great stuff.  And like year's past I'll have a door prize just for entering with bonus entry for promoting the contest on your blog or other social media account, only one extra entry though.

Alright mark your calendars we've only got a week to go!!!

CB out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Fall

Howdy.  Yep I'm still here, sort of.  I've been busy, work, family, house, etc, etc.  The last thing I've been wanting to do is blog.  I suppose that'll happen after 6 years or so.  Anyways Allen and Ginter has come out and other products as well, but A and G is one of my most looked forward too products that and Series 1 Topps Baseball.  I'll be honest as much as I was looking forward to Allen and Ginter I just can't get that into it this year. Mostly likely the lack of funds to put forth the effort.  In the end I'll probably just pick up the set from eBay eventually.  That doesn't mean I haven't broken a few packs and been checking the set out.

One card popped out at me when I saw it.  The history of the Berlin Wall and my own personal history intersect.  I'm an army brat and my father's last duty station was Berlin.  The Wall fell November 9, 1989 and I arrived in Berlin December 9, a month to the day of the fall.  I was in the city for that first New Year's Eve, which was crazy and I was in Germany for reunification in October of 1990.  As a matter of fact the apartment complex we lived in was only about a quarter of a mile from a section of the wall and I spent many afternoons chipping away at it. My father sent a large chunk to my grandmother who donated it to our hometown library.  I ended up spending about 3 years over in Berlin and graduated from the DoDD Berlin American High School.  And I have to say I have no idea what Berlin is like now, but it was a pretty awesome city back then and great time in my life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Surprise PWE with 2x3 Heroes in it

Who doesn't like a surprise PWE in the mail?  No one that's who.  Jeff over at 2x3 Heroes sent me a huge package a few months back and I'm still working on a proper response so I was really surprised to see mail from him again a couple weeks ago.  Inside the small envelope was a card saver full of Brewery goodness.  It made my day.  Thanks Jeff.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hey eToppsers! A special service announcement.

eToppsians, eToppites, eToppsesians...

Anywho, if you're like me and were into eTopps back in the day chances are you still might have a couple cards in your portfolio.

I just got this email the other day from Topps letting me know that shipping fees are 25% off, which would make them fairly affordable.  After a quick check there are a few cards I have left that I'd like so I might have to take advantage of this.  So if you've still got some cards sitting in the Topps Vault now might be the time to have them shipped.


Another trade with Nachos Grande

I tried to get this post off yesterday just so I would have at least one last month.  That didn't happen.  I've been really feeling the blogger blues.  It's not that I don't have stuff I could blog about I just don't seem to have the time or the energy anymore.  But just because I'm not writing doesn't mean I'm not reading.  

Chris over at Nachos Grande recently broke a case of 2015 Allen and Ginter. One of my dreams is to do a case break and it probably would be Ginter, but all I can really afford in 87 Topps.  Anyway, Chris spreads his break up over many many posts which is fun to watch the break unfold.  Along the way he pulled a 10th Anniversary Ryan  Braun (boo hiss I know) relic which to my surprise I was able to claim before Tony L. 

I had had some field work planned and didn't think I could get a trade worked out before this month, but Chris knowing that I'm good for it sent the card and some other goodies my way.  I was hoping to be able to send him some Ginter help, but I've only ripped a couple packs and to be honest I'm just not feeling it this year.  I'll probably just end up buying the complete set instead of piecing one together myself.

Along with the Braun card Chris also sent some nice padding and one of those 10th Anniversary stamped cards featuring the long gone Brewer Prince Fielder.

Thanks for the trade Chris I mailed your package last week so you should be seeing it show up soon.