Other stuff I like, things I need, and free beer!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holy Sheets

First off I want to wish all my Christian readers a Merry Christmas, and too the rest Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Festivus, Joyous Yule, or whatever your holiday flavor is.  And a Happy New Year as I will be traveling to see my wife's family this season.  I'm hoping maybe I can find time to make a few more posts in the new year, but I wouldn't hold my breath.  That being said my 6th Annual Super Bowl contest will be happening.  Not sure what the prize will be, but I have weeks to work that out.

But let's take a look a cool card that I recently added to my Brewers collection.  One of my collecting goals for the new year, which will be expounded upon in my State of the Blog post early next year, is to try to add more and many certified Brewer's autos to my collection.  This may seem daunting and expensive, but just a precursory search though the COMC inventory tells me that there are over 200 Brewers autographs for under $2.  I many not have any World Series' to boast about, but I do have cheap autograph cards.

That being said I ended up picking up this sweet, pun intended, Ben Sheets autograph card a few weeks ago.  I already have a certified auto for Ben, but he's featured in this Team USA jersey and I really wanted a nice example with him in a Brewers uni.  So for a couple bucks this guy found his way to my mail box.  

I couldn't pass up this unique card and the price was just right.  This card is from the 2002 Fleer Showcase set.  There are three types of Sweet Sigs cards: Leather, Lumber, and Wall. Ben has cards in all threes sets, with this one obviously being the Lumber version.  And while the wood piece isn't a bat relic, it's still a great oddball insert, for the time of great oddball inserts.  This is what competition produces!  After getting this card I really want to chase down the other two versions.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!!

Are you getting excited??  I am. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.  I've also stopped reading all the articles about the movie.  Went completely cold turkey.  I decided I didn't want to know any plot spoilers.  That being said I know it's been quiet here at the Crack, but I'm hoping the new year will bring new vigor to my card world.  Anyways, I'm going to be headed down to the lower 48 to visit family so let's let this Star Wars post also wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Festive Kwanzaa, or a Joyous Yule.  Or simply a Happy Holidays and a great New Year.  Oh and I still plan on doing my Super Bowl contest this year so stay tuned for that.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

TTM Success - Paul Mirabella

It's been a while since I've done any TTMs.  I sat down a few weeks ago and sent Paul Mirabella a nice letter and a few cards and I found these in my mailbox this afternoon.

Paul played 13 seasons in the MLB.  Playing for the Rangers, the Yankees, the Orioles, the Mariners, and ended his career with the Brewers.  This is a great success for a couple reasons but most of all that I don't have any TTM success for the three sets I sent.  

TTM Stats

Address used
Paul Mirabella
15 Jenks Rd
Morristown, NJ 07960

Date Sent: 11/22/15
Date Received 12/5/15

Thanks Paul.