Other stuff I like, things I need, and free beer!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

6th, yes 6th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web!!

Hi.  Remember me?  Wow it's been awhile.  I have some good excuses and I plan on having a nice long look at  my hiatus later, but first I have a little business to attend to.  And that business is my annual World Series contest!

All the divisions have been locked up, but there are a couple close Wild Card races.  So I'll have the official signup after regular play has ended and will close it after the wild card games have been played.

The contest will be the same format as before, just tell me who's going to win and answer a few tie breaker questions.

What will you win?  Cards, lots and lots of cards, some may be autographed or have bits of memorabilia in them, some maybe serial numbered.  I'm not sure yet, but it will be a great prize.  I'll have more on that later when I put out the official sign up post.  So for now mark you calendars!