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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Comic Book Nerds rejoice!! ABC orders full season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just saw this on Yahoo.  That ABC has ordered the full season (22 episodes) of the Agents of SHIELD.
You can read the article here, not incredibly verbose.

I was a little worried as the show is up against NCIS, but since ABC is owned by Disney and Disney owns Marvel I couldn't see them not keeping this show around even if it wasn't the highest rated Tuedays night show.  It's a great vehicle for the company to introduce new plot lines and characters for the upcoming movies and how cool was it to have Sam Jackson make a cameo last week?  This week we saw the origin of Graviton so I'm hoping that we are just starting to ramp up the story lines.  I mean how cool would it be in Tony Stark make an appearance or Thor?   Plus a TV show would allow for more character development and deeper plots.

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