Other stuff I like, things I need, and free beer!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holy Sheets

First off I want to wish all my Christian readers a Merry Christmas, and too the rest Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Festivus, Joyous Yule, or whatever your holiday flavor is.  And a Happy New Year as I will be traveling to see my wife's family this season.  I'm hoping maybe I can find time to make a few more posts in the new year, but I wouldn't hold my breath.  That being said my 6th Annual Super Bowl contest will be happening.  Not sure what the prize will be, but I have weeks to work that out.

But let's take a look a cool card that I recently added to my Brewers collection.  One of my collecting goals for the new year, which will be expounded upon in my State of the Blog post early next year, is to try to add more and many certified Brewer's autos to my collection.  This may seem daunting and expensive, but just a precursory search though the COMC inventory tells me that there are over 200 Brewers autographs for under $2.  I many not have any World Series' to boast about, but I do have cheap autograph cards.

That being said I ended up picking up this sweet, pun intended, Ben Sheets autograph card a few weeks ago.  I already have a certified auto for Ben, but he's featured in this Team USA jersey and I really wanted a nice example with him in a Brewers uni.  So for a couple bucks this guy found his way to my mail box.  

I couldn't pass up this unique card and the price was just right.  This card is from the 2002 Fleer Showcase set.  There are three types of Sweet Sigs cards: Leather, Lumber, and Wall. Ben has cards in all threes sets, with this one obviously being the Lumber version.  And while the wood piece isn't a bat relic, it's still a great oddball insert, for the time of great oddball inserts.  This is what competition produces!  After getting this card I really want to chase down the other two versions.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!! Star Wars!!!

Are you getting excited??  I am. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.  I've also stopped reading all the articles about the movie.  Went completely cold turkey.  I decided I didn't want to know any plot spoilers.  That being said I know it's been quiet here at the Crack, but I'm hoping the new year will bring new vigor to my card world.  Anyways, I'm going to be headed down to the lower 48 to visit family so let's let this Star Wars post also wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Festive Kwanzaa, or a Joyous Yule.  Or simply a Happy Holidays and a great New Year.  Oh and I still plan on doing my Super Bowl contest this year so stay tuned for that.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

TTM Success - Paul Mirabella

It's been a while since I've done any TTMs.  I sat down a few weeks ago and sent Paul Mirabella a nice letter and a few cards and I found these in my mailbox this afternoon.

Paul played 13 seasons in the MLB.  Playing for the Rangers, the Yankees, the Orioles, the Mariners, and ended his career with the Brewers.  This is a great success for a couple reasons but most of all that I don't have any TTM success for the three sets I sent.  

TTM Stats

Address used
Paul Mirabella
15 Jenks Rd
Morristown, NJ 07960

Date Sent: 11/22/15
Date Received 12/5/15

Thanks Paul.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Friday My Way!!

 I had to take my son to the doctor on Friday.  It wasn't anything serious, but after we got out I decided to head on down to Don's Sportcards and say hi since I haven't been in a while and I wanted to see if there was anything good on the drop board.  I ended up splurging on a box of Prestige Football since it was a good deal and I got 4 packs of Panini's Black Friday.  I won't do a pack by pack just the base cards and the hits.

Each pack came with an advertisement for Panini's new digital football card app.  If it's anything like their basketball app I'll pass.  You also get one "base" card and one other card.  At least that's how my 4 packs worked out.  Let's take a look
First up Pujols and Trout.

 My other two base cards are part of the Panini Collection set, according to Cardboard Connection.
I really like the look of these cards.

Alright lets get to the meat!
This Kevin White and the Joc Pederson are what's called Thick Stock parallels and are numbered to 50. And they are very thick

 I didn't get any autos, but did manage a few relics.  This one of Jahlil is from the Happy Holidays set.

Cha-ching a keeper!!  Everything else is already up on Ebay.  Anyone get anything cool?

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Keepers

As a collector I have rules, general rules, but rules none the less, that govern my collection and collecting habits. But every so often a card or other collectible falls into my hands that doesn't really fit into my collection, but I keep it for various reasons.  This is one of those cards.......

I pulled this beautiful card out of pack way back in 2005.  I know I did because while I like Andre Dawson I don't collect Andre Dawson and I wouldn't have gone after this card.  That being said a lot of the cards in my Keeper collection come from 2005.  A time where I had a lot of disposable income and card companies were putting out great products like this.  Sorry for the blurry scan Mr.  Dawson is well encased in a screwdown holder.
 I usually think of Andre as a Cub. Mainly because when I started caring about baseball and baseball card that's who he played for.  But even if he's featured with his original team this is still a pretty kick ass card.  Sure it's a sticker auto and the relic is a plain white swatch, but I'm sure I squealed a little bit when I pulled this out of the pack.

Why I keep it.  Well I do like Andre Dawson and it's hard to let go of personally pulled autograph and relic of a great HOFer.  Plus Andre has a great signature and I think everyone should have an auto of the Hawk in their collection and it's also why he's on my Top 100 cards.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. The 5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web comes to a close

Well that seemed quick.  I was kind of hoping the Series might go 6 or 7 and KC could win it at home.  I didn't get to watch too much of the game as the Packers were playing in Sunday Night Football, but once it was pretty clear that they would not be winning I switched over to watch the end of game 5 and I picked the perfect time right before KC tied the game in the 9th.  Anyhoo

So in the end we had 6 people correctly guess who would win the World Series.  So we go to the tie breakers. 

If anyone had guessed everything correctly the pick would have been

Royals over Mets, in 5 games, 8 Home Runs

Out of the 6 contestants the picked the Royals no one picked their opponent to be the Mets so we move on to games in the series and arpsmith correctly predicted the series to last 5 games.  Congrats Adam.  And an honorable mention to John Hazen for correctly guessing the right two teams. If the Mets had won the contest would have been his.

Here are the final 9 entries:

Jeff S - Royals over the Dodgers in 7 games with 9HRs (PIMP)

Josh D. -  Royals over Cardinals - 7 games, six HRs.

JediJeff - Royals over Dodgers in 6 games. 11 HR

John Hazen - Mets over Royals, 6 Games, 11 Home runs.

arpsmith -  Royals over Cardinals, 5 games, 7 Taters

Need More Cardboard - Royals over Cardinals, 7 games, 8 homers

Jupiterhill - Royals over Cardinals 6 games, 11 Home Runs

Keith G - Mets over Jays 6 games 10 homeruns

defgav - Mets over Astros, 6 Games, 12 Home runs.

Adam came pretty close to predicting total home runs too.  So what does Adam win??!!??  Well I was terrible this contest, in that I didn't have a prize already picked out. I was hoping to be able to snag something cool at the last card show I went to last week, but while the show featured some really cool stuff, cool = expensive, I didn't find anything really unique, but I'll probably write a post up about that experience later.  So I decided I'd wait and try and tailor the grand prize to the winner.  Adam who has his own blog ARPSmith's Sportcard Obsession  is a huge Giants fan and he collects a couple other players.  So digging through my eTopps collection I came out with a couple cards to add to his collection.  First up is a 2011 Topps 206 Rickey Henderson card and I also found one lone Giants card in my collection a 2007 Fred Lewis rookie card.  Both cards are numbered to just 749 copies.  I'll also be sending Adam a nice stack of cards from his team and if I can find anything from his needs lists.

But wait there's still more.  We have to pick our door prize winner.  I entered everyone's name into a list randomizer over at Random.org, those that pimped the contest got two entries.  I randomized the list 3 times and......

Nick from Dime Boxes - The Low End Collector's Journey wins it.  And what did Nick win, well this should be right up his Dime Box alley.  4 unopened packs from the height of the Junk Wax era.  Plus there's a piece of 26 year old gum, a Stan Musial puzzle piece, lenticular trivia card, and team sticker to be had. Plus there might be one of those cool Pro-Visions cards in the Fleer pack.  I'll also be sending Nick a stack of cards  from his needs and wants lists.

Thanks to everyone who entered. Thanks to you guys who still read the blog even though I don't post as regularly as I use too.  That being said we are only about 2 months away from my 6th, yes 6th Annual Super Bowl contest.  Hopefully I'll have a few posts between then and now.

Friday, October 30, 2015

An unexpected addition from the LCS and an addition to the Top 100

I stopped in at Don's Sportcards here in Anchorage last week.  My wife was picking up my son so I was kid free and decided to just pop in to Don's to see if there was anything interesting and to pick up a couple boxes for a couple sets I was putting together.  Don has a great feature in his shop called the drop board.  It's a huge section of wall with peg board and hooks and he hangs a bunch of cards and packs up.  Each card is listed with a price.  Usually a good 20 to 25% off from the Beckett price and ever week that card doesn't sell it gets marked down a little till it reaches a dollar and that's the lowest it'll go.  But I've picked all sorts of good relics, autographs, and vintage from that drop board for crazy low prices, a lot of them for the bottom dollar price.  Well to my surprise Don had a ton of this year's Panini Cooperstown hanging on the wall.  All sorts of inserts and autographs from the set.  And then I saw the Ignitor just sitting there marked down to I think it was six whole dollars.  I couldn't pass it up.  I'm not a huge collector of Paul Molitor, but he was a Brewers for most of his career, is still beloved in Milwaukee, and I do have a nice stack of his cards in my collection, but I didn't have an autographed card till now.  I have a sweet relic I picked up years ago, rookie cards and everything in between, and now I have my first, but hopefully not last auto of the #2 all time top Brewer.  On top of that I haven't added a card to my Top 100 in while.  I had to look and see what number I stopped on.  So this is card #72 in my Top 100 cards in my collection (the number is not the card's rank in the Top 100, the Top 100 has no rankings).

Welcome to the collection.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Don't make him angry....you wouldn't like him when he's angry

Love him or hate him Ryan Braun is the face of the Brewers. As a Brewers fan that fact disturbs me a little.  Mainly because we have and have had other players that could easily have replaced him.  I have forgiven him for his steroid use and the whole circus that followed. Well forgiven him to a degree, he did get a man fired for doing his job just to save his ass for a year.  But that's a whole other story.  

Regardless of Ryan's past transgressions I've wanted to add his autograph to my collection for a long time.  And up to a few years ago that would have cost me big bucks.  Oh what a few years and a steroid scandal can do.  After selling a few things on ebay I had a little money to play with and decided to see I could find.  I wasn't sure which way I wanted to go, just an auto, a relic auto, dual auto.   After looking for a few weeks I found this beautiful 2015 Topps Five Star on card auto.  Overall I really like the look of the card.  I had thought about trying to track down one of those great looking black cards with silver signature, but this card fell into my lap and I ended up picking it up for less than $10 delivered.  

Friday, October 23, 2015

5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web World Series update!

I apologize for not posting more during the playoffs. It was a culmination of a lot of different things, but it all boils down to life.  But that being said it was interesting the way things played out.  I'm still not sure what the grand prize will be.  But there is a card show here in town, the first one in a couple years and it's at the museum tied into an exihibit on baseball in Alaska.  So it should be a big fun show and I'm hoping I can find something to give away.  If not I'll find something don't you worry.

So lets recap and see who made the cut.

night owl - Dodgers over the Royals , in  7 games, 10 homers.

Greg Zakwin -Dodgers over Blue Jays, 6 Games, 7 HRs.

Corky - Toronto Blue Jays over Dodgers, 6 games and 12 HRs

Mike Matson - Jays over Mets.. 6 games.. 10 HRs

Jeff S - Royals over the Dodgers in 7 games with 9HRs (PIMP)

Al Kawamoto - Jays over Cardinals, 6 games , 12 HR

Nachos Grande - Dodgers over Blue Jays, 6 games, 10 HRs

The Junior Junkie - Blue Jays over Cardinals, 7 games, 10 HR

Josh D. -  Royals over Cardinals - 7 games, six HRs.

JediJeff - Royals over Dodgers in 6 games. 11 HR

Wilson - Blue Jays over Cardinals, 5 games, 8 HR

CaptKirk42 - Cubs over Royals 6 games 8 HR

Frankie.M - Cubs Over Royals, 6 Home Runs

John Hazen - Mets over Royals, 6 Games, 11 Home runs.

Dennis - Jays over Cards, 7 games, 15 homers.

hiflew - Rangers over Cardinals, 6 games, 11 homers

RAZ - Astros over Dodgers, 7 games, 12 home runs.

Matthew Scott - Pirates over Blue Jays, 6 games, 8 homers

irondequoit36 - Astros over Mets, 6 games, 7 dingers

arpsmith -  Royals over Cardinals, 5 games, 7 Taters

Richard Nebe Jr. - Dodgers over the Blue Jays in 7 with 7 homers

Need More Cardboard - Royals over Cardinals, 7 games, 8 homers

Jupiterhill - Royals over Cardinals 6 games, 11 Home Runs

Keith G - Mets over Jays 6 games 10 homeruns

Fuji - Cubs over the Astros, 7 games, 12 home runs

Ernest Reyes - Dodgers over Astros, 6 Games, 8 home runs

defgav - Mets over Astros, 6 Games, 12 Home runs.

Brian Conrad - Blue Jays over Cubs 6 games 7 home runs

GCA - Cubs over Blue Jays in 7 games, 11 home runs

shanepatrickwrites - dodgers over astros. 6 games. nine homers

Nick - Cubs over Royals, 7 games, 9 homers.

There were quite a few of you that picked the Royals to win it all, but none of you picked them to beat the Mets.   Only one picked the Mets to beat the Royals.  So if that's the way it plays out John Hazen will take it all with an impressive prediction.

Here are the final 9.

Jeff S - Royals over the Dodgers in 7 games with 9HRs (PIMP)

Josh D. -  Royals over Cardinals - 7 games, six HRs.

JediJeff - Royals over Dodgers in 6 games. 11 HR

John Hazen - Mets over Royals, 6 Games, 11 Home runs.

arpsmith -  Royals over Cardinals, 5 games, 7 Taters

Need More Cardboard - Royals over Cardinals, 7 games, 8 homers

Jupiterhill - Royals over Cardinals 6 games, 11 Home Runs

Keith G - Mets over Jays 6 games 10 homeruns

defgav - Mets over Astros, 6 Games, 12 Home runs.

Good luck.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web Official Entires

It's go time people. Below are the official entries.  If my math is right we had 31 people enter.  Not too shabby.  I'll be posting an update after the divisional series are over and I'll announce the prizes then.  If you see an error let me know.  Good luck.

night owl - Dodgers over the Royals , in  7 games, 10 homers.

Greg Zakwin -Dodgers over Blue Jays, 6 Games, 7 HRs.

Corky - Toronto Blue Jays over Dodgers, 6 games and 12 HRs

Mike Matson - Jays over Mets.. 6 games.. 10 HRs

Jeff S - Royals over the Dodgers in 7 games with 9HRs (PIMP)

Al Kawamoto - Jays over Cardinals, 6 games , 12 HR

Nachos Grande - Dodgers over Blue Jays, 6 games, 10 HRs

The Junior Junkie - Blue Jays over Cardinals, 7 games, 10 HR

Josh D. -  Royals over Cardinals - 7 games, six HRs.

JediJeff - Royals over Dodgers in 6 games. 11 HR

Wilson - Blue Jays over Cardinals, 5 games, 8 HR

CaptKirk42 - Cubs over Royals 6 games 8 HR

Frankie.M - Cubs Over Royals, 6 Home Runs

John Hazen - Mets over Royals, 6 Games, 11 Home runs.

Dennis - Jays over Cards, 7 games, 15 homers.

hiflew - Rangers over Cardinals, 6 games, 11 homers

RAZ - Astros over Dodgers, 7 games, 12 home runs.

Matthew Scott - Pirates over Blue Jays, 6 games, 8 homers

irondequoit36 - Astros over Mets, 6 games, 7 dingers

arpsmith -  Royals over Cardinals, 5 games, 7 Taters

Richard Nebe Jr. - Dodgers over the Blue Jays in 7 with 7 homers

Need More Cardboard - Royals over Cardinals, 7 games, 8 homers

Jupiterhill - Royals over Cardinals 6 games, 11 Home Runs

Keith G - Mets over Jays 6 games 10 homeruns

Fuji - Cubs over the Astros, 7 games, 12 home runs

Ernest Reyes - Dodgers over Astros, 6 Games, 8 home runs

defgav - Mets over Astros, 6 Games, 12 Home runs.

Brian Conrad - Blue Jays over Cubs 6 games 7 home runs

GCA - Cubs over Blue Jays in 7 games, 11 home runs

shanepatrickwrites - dodgers over astros. 6 games. nine homers

Nick - Cubs over Royals, 7 games, 9 homers.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Last reminder for the 5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web

Last reminder to take a few minutes and enter my 5th Annual World Series contest. You have until 8pm AKST/ Midnight EST Friday  I'll have an official entry post Saturday.

Also I just did a quick look at the entries so far and we had two brave souls that picked wild card playoff teams before the games and those teams lost.  So because I love moxy and you could have waited till last night or today to make a pick after the games were finished, if you picked one of the Wildcard losing teams I'll allow you to try again.  Just reply to your previous pick and amend it.

You have until 8pm Alaska time, that's midnight on the East Coast, to enter.  It's looking like were going to have a good turn out and I'm planning on digging out prizes this weekend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web 2nd Reminder

Just another reminder to take a few minutes and enter my 5th Annual World Series contest. You have until 8pm AKST/ Midnight EST.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web 1st reminder

Just a reminder to take 5 minutes and enter my 5th Annual World Series contest. You have until 8pm AKST/ Midnight EST.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web 5 - Official Entry post

Well it took till the last game of the season to have all the pieces in place.  With wildcard games starting Tuesday that doesn't leave too much time to do a sign up, but I'm going to leave the sign up open till Friday night, lets say 8pm Alaska time.  That'll be midnight on the East Coast.

So are we going to mix the contest up for the 5th Annual offering?  Nope.  This is and always will be almost the easiest contest on the web and all I want you to tell me is who's going to win?

Of course some of you might pick the same team so we need a few tie breakers.  So I also want you to tell me who the opponent will be, how many games in the series, and how many total home runs will be scored, both teams.

So your entry should look something like this.

Cubs over Yankees, 7 games, 9 home runs.

The tie breakers are ranked in that order, opponent, games, HRs.

So what are you playing for?  Well I'm still trying to figure that out and pull stuff out.  To make matters worse the next two weeks are going to be very busy for me.  So trust me that I'll put together a nice prize package and the winner will also get some cards of their favorite team and/or players.

Let's not forget, there will also be a door prize just for signing up.  I'll enter all the entries into Random.org and randomize the list 3 times.  Person at the top gets the prize.  Plus like always if you promote this contest on your blog or other social media you'll get an extra entry into the door prize drawing.  Just leave a link to the pimp so I know you did it.

I would also like to ask if you sign up for the contest you have some way of me getting in contact with you. ie an email attached to you profile.  Believe it or not I've had prizes go unclaimed before.

Alright here are you choices.

American League
Toronto Blue Jays
Kansas City Royals
Texas Rangers
New York Yankees
Houston Astros

National League
New York Mets
St. Louis Cardinals
LA Dodgers
Chicago Cubs
Pittsburgh Pirates

I'll be posting reminders all week.  Alright good luck and thanks for playing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web - Mark Your calendars!!

Sure I haven't been posting much lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not still around. Collecting, reading, commenting.  And that sure doesn't mean that I'm going to miss the opportunity to hold the 5th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web.

So regular season play is done on October 4th, the Wildcard games will be played on the 6th and 7th and the Divisional Series will start on the 8th and 9th.  So that means like usual we don't have a lot of time for entries.  Right now the National League picture is pretty much set, but we still have some play in the American League.  That being said if the playoff picture solidifies before the end of the season I'll open the contest up early, and if it goes down to the wire again, which is always fun, I'll leave the contest entry period open till after the Wildcard games.

The contest will be just like years past.  All I want you to do is tell me who's going to win the World Series.  And like always we need  a few tie breakers so I also want you to tell me who the opponent was, total games in the series and total number of home runs hit, by both teams.

Not too hard right?

I know your saying "CB that's great and super easy, but what the heck can I win?"

I'm still working on it.  But rest assured that I'll dig though my bag of goodies and come up with some great stuff.  And like year's past I'll have a door prize just for entering with bonus entry for promoting the contest on your blog or other social media account, only one extra entry though.

Alright mark your calendars we've only got a week to go!!!

CB out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Fall

Howdy.  Yep I'm still here, sort of.  I've been busy, work, family, house, etc, etc.  The last thing I've been wanting to do is blog.  I suppose that'll happen after 6 years or so.  Anyways Allen and Ginter has come out and other products as well, but A and G is one of my most looked forward too products that and Series 1 Topps Baseball.  I'll be honest as much as I was looking forward to Allen and Ginter I just can't get that into it this year. Mostly likely the lack of funds to put forth the effort.  In the end I'll probably just pick up the set from eBay eventually.  That doesn't mean I haven't broken a few packs and been checking the set out.

One card popped out at me when I saw it.  The history of the Berlin Wall and my own personal history intersect.  I'm an army brat and my father's last duty station was Berlin.  The Wall fell November 9, 1989 and I arrived in Berlin December 9, a month to the day of the fall.  I was in the city for that first New Year's Eve, which was crazy and I was in Germany for reunification in October of 1990.  As a matter of fact the apartment complex we lived in was only about a quarter of a mile from a section of the wall and I spent many afternoons chipping away at it. My father sent a large chunk to my grandmother who donated it to our hometown library.  I ended up spending about 3 years over in Berlin and graduated from the DoDD Berlin American High School.  And I have to say I have no idea what Berlin is like now, but it was a pretty awesome city back then and great time in my life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Surprise PWE with 2x3 Heroes in it

Who doesn't like a surprise PWE in the mail?  No one that's who.  Jeff over at 2x3 Heroes sent me a huge package a few months back and I'm still working on a proper response so I was really surprised to see mail from him again a couple weeks ago.  Inside the small envelope was a card saver full of Brewery goodness.  It made my day.  Thanks Jeff.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hey eToppsers! A special service announcement.

eToppsians, eToppites, eToppsesians...

Anywho, if you're like me and were into eTopps back in the day chances are you still might have a couple cards in your portfolio.

I just got this email the other day from Topps letting me know that shipping fees are 25% off, which would make them fairly affordable.  After a quick check there are a few cards I have left that I'd like so I might have to take advantage of this.  So if you've still got some cards sitting in the Topps Vault now might be the time to have them shipped.


Another trade with Nachos Grande

I tried to get this post off yesterday just so I would have at least one last month.  That didn't happen.  I've been really feeling the blogger blues.  It's not that I don't have stuff I could blog about I just don't seem to have the time or the energy anymore.  But just because I'm not writing doesn't mean I'm not reading.  

Chris over at Nachos Grande recently broke a case of 2015 Allen and Ginter. One of my dreams is to do a case break and it probably would be Ginter, but all I can really afford in 87 Topps.  Anyway, Chris spreads his break up over many many posts which is fun to watch the break unfold.  Along the way he pulled a 10th Anniversary Ryan  Braun (boo hiss I know) relic which to my surprise I was able to claim before Tony L. 

I had had some field work planned and didn't think I could get a trade worked out before this month, but Chris knowing that I'm good for it sent the card and some other goodies my way.  I was hoping to be able to send him some Ginter help, but I've only ripped a couple packs and to be honest I'm just not feeling it this year.  I'll probably just end up buying the complete set instead of piecing one together myself.

Along with the Braun card Chris also sent some nice padding and one of those 10th Anniversary stamped cards featuring the long gone Brewer Prince Fielder.

Thanks for the trade Chris I mailed your package last week so you should be seeing it show up soon.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hello Greg

I've been trying to get Greg Vaughn to sign for me through the mail for a few years now.  I've never had any success and was happy to see that he had a relatively high numbered autograph in this years Tier One.  Considering Robin Yount's auto in the set is numbered to only 50 this might as well be a 1987 Topps card.  I'm also quite certain the person who pulled this was very disappointed especially after what I snagged this for off of eBay.  Greg also had an autograph card in last year's Archives, but I'm glad I waited and picked this one up.  These Acclaimed Autograph cards were made for that signature.  A beautiful on card auto from the Brewers 1st round pick back in 1986.  I remember seeing Greg play for the El Paso Diablos back in I think 1988.  I also remember he was the reason I over paid for my 1989 Fleer team set.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My new favorite card of 2015

Oh hello there.  I know I've been pretty quiet here.  I have lots I can blame it on.  Family, job, summer in Alaska, my general ennui for blogging in general, the boring cardscape of exclusivity.  But in the end I just really haven't felt like blogging.  I mean I could always find something to blog about.  Anyways I've bought a couple packs of this years Stadium Club.  I'm glad Topps brought the set back down to the masses.  You can find Stadium Club in retail stores and hobby shops this year, They've increased the set size to 300 cards and also increased card thickness and overall it's a great looking set, but some photo choice are much better than others.  The per card price is a little high so completing this set would be expensive and/or a decent challange and it doesn't look like any of the base cards are short printed.

  I was a little disappointed Robin Yount wasn't featured in this year's set, but I'm glad to see they chose to put The Ignitor in a Brewers uniform instead.  And so far this is my favorite card this year.  Just a great photo. It fits the card perfectly, shows Molitor stealing, what I'm going to assume is 2nd base.  Dust clouds billowing from the slide, Paul's head up and looking at where the throw was, batting helmet slightly askew.  Just a great all around card.

The back of the card gives us a second Molitor photo to marvel at.  Looks like Topps picked Paul in posed pirate batting stance.

Anyone else have a favorite card so far this year?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Contest Pimp - Waiting 'Til Next Year's Bowman-a-palooza!

Ah Yeah!  It's been a while since I've popped up, but you should head on over to Waiting 'Til Next Year for a super easy contest/giveaway.  P-Town Tom is giving away some almost complete sets of 2014 Bowman Baseball.  Whether your first or last on the list you win!  Check it out