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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Keepers - Darryl Strawberry edition

As collector's we tend to impose arbitrary rules to our collections and our collecting habits.  These rules help us focus on what type of collection we have.  I'm sure there are those out there that might argue with this logic, but it's these rules that separate a collection from an accumulation.  We can put labels on the types of collector's we are.  Team collector, player collector, set collector, autograph collector, etc, etc.  As a collector of cardboard I'm no different I have my own rules governing over how and what I collect, but......but there are those cards in my collection that break those rules.  Cards I keep and cherish in my collection, but don't fit into my collecting rules.  I call these cards my keepers.

The first card in my keepers collection is this great 2010 Topps Tribute Darryl Strawberry Auto Relic.
I personally pulled this from a pack over 8 years ago and even blogged about it back then.  That pack of Tribute marks the most I've ever payed or will pay for a pack of cards.  And I remember pulling it and thinking dang that's a pretty sweet hit.  If you grew up collecting cards in the 80s, like myself, you most likely had a few Darryls in you binder.  Regardless of his personal tribulations he was a fun player to watch.  I'm not a Mets fan or really a big Darryl Strawberry fan, but this card found a place in my personal collection.  Maybe it was the nostalgia, maybe it was the fact that this was my hit from the most expensive product I've ever ripped a pack of, or maybe it's just a sweet card.

Anyone have any keepers?