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Sunday, January 13, 2019

9th Annual Almost the Easiest Super Bowl Contest on the Web - Official Entries

Sorry for the delay.  We had 23 entries into this year's contest.  I'm still working on finding something other than a stack of cards for the winner, I'll find something, maybe.  Regardless the winner will recieve a nice stack of cards (base, inserts, maybe even some relics and autos) of the team of their choice (as long as it's not the Packers.) 

If you promoted the contest via your blog or social media you'll see a PIMP by your entry.  Right now I have only one PIMP out there, but if you promoted the contest and I missed you please leave a comment and a link to the promotion please and I'll make sure you get an extra entry into the door prize drawing.

Also someone submitted a pick as UNKNOWN,  you'll see the pick highlighted in bold red below, if that was you please let me know who I should attribute that pick to, but as I right this it doesn't look good for the Chargers anyways.

Alright here are our 23 official picks, let me know if you see any mistakes and I'll have an update later today or tomorrow morning with this weekends results.

John Sharp - Patriots over the Eagles, 50 points 5 FGs.

Greg Zakwin - Chargers over Rams, 55 points, 3 field goals

Brett Alan -Chiefs over Rams, 61 points, 4 FGs.

GCA - Patriots over Saints, 48 points, 4 FGs.

The Angels In Order - Rams over Pats, 63 points, 5 FG.

Adam KaningherJ - Chiefs over Saints, 44 points, 3 FGs

Fuji - Cowboys over Chiefs, 50 Points, 5 FGs

John Miller - Saints over Chiefs. 87 points, 1 field goal.

ketchupman36 - Pats over Saints, 64 points, 3 FGs

bbcardz - Rams over Patriots, 48 points, 4 field goals PIMP

Nachos Grande - Patriots over Saints, 55 points, 2 field goals

KMack - Saints over Patriots, 54 points, 4 FG's

Unknown - Chargers over the Cowboys 38 points, 1 field goal (who is this??)

Vrooomed - Chiefs over Rams, 65 points, 3 FGs.

Matt Stupienski - Saints over Patriots, 62 points, 3 FG's

CaptKirk42 - Rams over Chargers,  48 points 6 FGs

Jeff S - Rams over Chiefs - 61 pts - 4 FGs

PapaG321 - Chiefs over Saints , 59 points , 5 FG's

Trevor P - Saints over Chargers, 54 points, 4 FG

Jafronius - Patriots over Saints, 58 points, 5 FGs.

TSHenson - Rams over Chiefs, 103 points, 4 field goals

Sportzcommish - Cowboys over Brady, I mean, the Patsies, aka Patriots; 58 points; 3 FGs.

night owl - Saints beat the Pats. 66 points. 5 field goals.

Dion's IP Autos only - Chiefs over Rams 58 points 3 field goals

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