Monday, October 29, 2018

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner - The 8th Annual Almost the Easiest World Series Contest on the Web comes to an end.

I was hoping that the series might go at least one more game, but the Red Sox really looked tough to beat.  We had 15 players make it to the final round picking either the Dodgers or the Red Sox.  Out of those 15 we had 4 that correctly picked the match-up, 3 for Boston, 1 for the Dodgers.  In the end the correct answer would have been:

Red Sox over Dodgers, in 5 games, 14 Home runs. 

No one had a 5 game series so we have to take it all the way to the home runs and with a guess of 17 home runs Matt, who writes the blog Diamond Jesters,  comes closest and takes home the Grand Prize of those sweet Hostess Panels and a nice selection of cards his favorite team, who just so happens to be the Boston Red Sox. 

Matt - Red Sox over Dodgers, 6 games, 17 HR - PIMP

Sport Card Collectors - Red Sox over Dodgers. 6 games and 18 homers

The Angels In Order - Red Sox over Dodgers in 4, 5 HR.

bbcardz -Dodgers over Red Sox in 7, 22 HR.

Alright now to see who gets to take home the door prize.  The Mike Trout Bowman rookie card and a nice stack of cards from their favorite team.  I entered everyone who entered into, if you were kind enough to promote the contest you got an extra entry. I randomized the list 3 times.

The door prize winner is Matt Wilson who writes the Tenets of Wilson and is a Red Birds fan.  I'll be contacting both winners shortly to make sure I have correct mailing addresses.  Matt also happened to have won one of my Super Bowl contests a while back!

Thanks again everybody for the great contest.  


  1. Oh man lost by a single home run!

  2. Congrats to the winners...what a terrific baseball season it was.

  3. Whoo-hoo! Thanks for the contest, I'm very surprised I won! Go Red Sox!

    1. Matt can you send me an email with your mailing address please.

  4. Thanks for the contest... and congratulations to the winners.

  5. Congrats winners! Thanks CB for a great contest!
