Monday, December 15, 2014

5th Annual Almost the Easiest Super Bowl Contest on the Web!!

Wow I can't believe I'm actually holding my 5th, yes 5th, Super Bowl contest.  Sure we've still got a few weeks till the regular season ends, but that doesn't mean I can't plant the seed.

This year I'm calling it my Big Old 5, kudos if you get the nerdy reference.

I love holding my Super Bowl contest.  Unlike my World Series contest which the playoffs start almost the right away and I have almost no time to get the post ready and take entries, my Super Bowl contest has a good week till the Playoffs start and usually we know most of the teams.

This year I'm going to have a nice mix of old and new. Some nice relics, vintage, and oddballs.  And as always a smattering of your favorite team mixed in.

So you've been warned, stay tuned.