I was at trade night the other night over at Bosco's and ended up picking up my third box of Ginter. This is getting out of control, especially after I said that I was only going to open one, ONE. Ah well still fairly cheap and I did have a nice hit. It's up on eBay right now. I got to try and recoup some of my spending. Every month Bosco's has a trade night and the main attraction is that they pull one pack from all the products that have been released that month, and sometimes add some goodies, and then draw one ticket. If your there you win, if not the packs roll over to the next month. I've been to some trade nights where there's in an excess of over $500 worth of packs up for grabs. They also had a door prize drawing for a Bob Lilly autograph. Anyways I didn't win, I never do, but then nobody did so there will be a nice tradenight next week. But while I was waiting around for the ticket to be drawn I was purusing the stacks of cheap wax piled high and found these beauties. 3 boxes of 1995 Select baseball. I held off and didn't buy them that night. Instead I went over after watching the early football games on Sunday and loaded up. Not too bad.

95 Select had a four tier chase insert program. With the Artist Proofs being the most sought after.
I'm really liking the mid nineties premium cards. I remember when these came out but I didn't buy much being a poor college student but looking at these cards now I'm really impressed. They still hold up and look great.
Big Hurt Checklist card. got a few new Frank Thomas cards for the Player collection. Didn't score a Big Stick insert of Frank, but what can you do.
Here's what the rookie cards look like.
You might recognize this guy, although he hasn't worn that uniform in a long time.
There is also a really cool sub set in the main set called Show Time.
These probably could have been their own insert. Very shiny and lots of foil, but nothing like the other inserts.
First we have the artist proofs. The wrappers have odds listed and AP's are about one in 24 packs so about 1 per box. According to the Standard Catalog the estimated print run is about 425 per card so these are pretty limited.
Don't remember Jeff Frye, but
I remember this guy. Strange to see him in a San Fran uni though.
I only found two of these so I need to go back through my cards to see if I missed one.
Edit: I started collating and found my other AP, Roger Clemens! Sweet.
The next most common insert was the Can't Miss, also seated about 1:24 packs I did get three of these.
You might even recognize a few of these names.
The scans really don't do these inserts justice. They're pretty impressive and really shiny.
Next we have the rarest of the inserts Sure Shots Seated 1:90 so about 1 in 4 boxes or so and I bucked the trend pulling 2.
While these may have been the rarest of the inserts, they are not the most valuable. Mainly because few of the players feature made much of themselves.
No the big draw of Select was the big sticks inserts. This set contains greats like Cal Ripken, Frank Thomas, Ken Griffey Jr. and....
Matt Williams?
Oh well at least I got one. The Cal Ripken is the most valuable at around 10 bucks.
I'm happy I pulled so many inserts. The base set looks great and the inserts are pretty awesome as well. I wish I had pulled a Thomas Big Sticks, but what can you do.
cb out.